Casino Prediction

Predict a play blackjack, a roll of two dice and a play roulette/p>

Version for a single spectator

After sending the mail to the spectator, confirm that has been received, spectator is required to not open at the moment because you has sent three very special pictures.
The mentalist asks to the spectator to imagine himsleft entering in a casino, the first stop is at blackjack table where the dealer deals two cards, then, goes to the craps table where rolls two dice and finally bets the rest of his money playing a single number on the roulette table...
Although it seems impossible, in the mail that you sent previously when the spectator opens, find the two named cards that form your blackjack hand, both dice craps and a final photograph of the roulette with the ball just above the number named!.

Version for three spectators

This is a version with which you can make the same effect, except that this time three spectators involved with their mobile phones.
The Mentalist send an email to each viewer before name the result as in prior effect .
Although it seems impossible, in the mail that you've previously sent to each spectator when opened, each his prediction is 100% correct without fail